README FOR MUON LAB USING CC-USB CRATE CONTROLLER WRITTEN BY YAKOV KULINICH SPRING 2016 MODIFIED BY TIANSU ZHANG 2019 ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ Simple Installation Instructions 1) First, you need root loaded on this machine, type module load root/6.02.08 Note: root might be upgraded and versions change Best bet is to type module load root/6[TAB] Do not type [TAB] but instead autocomplete root/6*.**.** 2) install source 3) load environment variable XXUSBDIR echo (from run directory) 4) Run directory is in MyDaq/run cd MyDaq/run ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ General Installation Instructions For users with Linux Experience 1) Copy xxusb_3.22 to some local directory I.E. ~/soft (You can put this anywhere, but for the sake of the instructions I will continue assuming this directory.) 2) Go to ~/soft/xxusb_3.22/src make make install Now, xxusb libraries are installed. Next, you need to add xxusb and it's libraries to your environment variables. 3) Using favorite editor, open ~/.bashrc 4) At bottom, add (USERNAME is your username) export XXUSBDIR=/home/USERNAME/soft/xxusb_3.22 Again, if you put the xxusb_3.22 somewhere else, change the path appropriately. 5) Close terminal and open new one. (Alternitavely, run source ~/.bashrc) 6) Load root every time you have a new terminal module load root/6.02.08 7) Take MyDaq (from the tar package) and copy it to directory of choice Inside DIRECTORY_OF_CHOICE/MyDaq make 8) ./runMyDaq A GUI will pop up. There is a text entry field. You can enter a name for your run (i.e. run_04_18_15) Otherwise, default name (output) will be used. Note: .root will be appended to the run name. So, in above examples, the outputs will be run_04_18_15.root or output.root Click Start. Do not exit using X at top. Finish with Stop first. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ TROUBLESHOOTING 1) If you get Finding XX_USB devices and opening first one found Found XX_USB device Segmentation fault You need to turn on and off the CAMAC crate. 2) If you get Finding XX_USB devices and opening first one found Device not xxusb ... Followed by a Seg Fault There is something wrong with the permissions to access the usb. This can be solved by going as some super user and typing udevadm control --reload-rules udevadm trigger Alternatively, contact IT support and explain to them the USB udev rules are incorrect somehow. 3) If above does not work, might need to update udev rules. Add following lines into /etc/udev/rules.d /lib/udev/rules.d SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="16dc", MODE=="0666" 4) If during setup you get something about usb.h not found. You probably dont have libusb-devel sudo yum install libusb*
"" did not exist on "ca717bc2f088fdce9cfee2c76b8e138624d89603"
Forked from
tzhang74 / testbeamDaq
35 commits behind the upstream repository.
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MyDaq | ||
xxusb_3.22 | ||
README | || |