diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store
index 666eed3262c1264d8536aef30d046f36b010c374..e8e3af3e2bcffb0c60e392afbba877937c42ff68 100644
Binary files a/.DS_Store and b/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b3a44269a17eae688d6c4d72ca7d08953128fdf7..fa78587fb496931c65023f9e428f035fdfe2a494 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ $ [leader] print the leader/masters IP
  $ join //at each node
  $ put local sdfs //every file you want to process in maple, names as follows "dir_name"-"file_name"
- $ maple exe workers dir_name output_dir_name
+ $ maple exe workers output_dir_name src_dir_name
  $ juice exe workers output_dir_name result_file_name delete_files={0,1} use_range={0,1}
diff --git a/Wc b/Wc
index 647b6bbefe11636dc2ce2c9182d7985532920625..007bd1685e07db3dce290a4940625a172683c726 100755
Binary files a/Wc and b/Wc differ
diff --git a/Wr b/Wr
index a455eb1735fdf9d0b701d09f3860ed50e925db06..389caffb443d91d1fee1729caeee5c262245c488 100755
Binary files a/Wr and b/Wr differ
diff --git a/inc/Node.h b/inc/Node.h
index 7a30e433844cf7317487598b5b2c0b762a5ac3d2..546a1ca1a59bd3a2cf4088ba5460199d6cd7ccc3 100644
--- a/inc/Node.h
+++ b/inc/Node.h
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 using namespace std;
 #define INTRODUCER "fa20-cs425-g02-01.cs.illinois.edu" // VM1
-#define PORT "6000"
+#define PORT "2000"
 #define LOGGING_FILE_NAME "logs.txt"
 #define EXEC_CMD "./" //python for python script, ./ for an executable
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public:
 	map<string, tuple<long int, int>> fileSizes; //used so master can partition in the map phase tuple is (bytes, lines)
 	HashRing *workerRing; //hashring of worker nodes maple/juice
-	map<string, vector<tuple<string, string>>> mapleSending; //originIP -> (file, chunk_start);
+	map<tuple<string,string>, tuple<string,int>> mapleSending; //(file,chunk) -> (sender, isSent)
 	set<string> mapleKeys; //keys produced in maple phase
 	map<string, int> filesAtWorker;
 	queue<string> maplejuiceQ;
diff --git a/inc/TcpSocket.h b/inc/TcpSocket.h
index 4f305dbef19e458a31b7b9a1a84f6c6962306b25..34603c3e8ad3026fa11ae7a0bb45422f05f6f8a6 100644
--- a/inc/TcpSocket.h
+++ b/inc/TcpSocket.h
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ using std::get;
 #define DEFAULT_TCP_BLKSIZE (128 * 1024)
 #define BACKLOG 10
-#define TCPPORT "4950"
+#define TCPPORT "3000"
 class TcpSocket {
 	//tcp server directly handles PUTs. If put received, request from
diff --git a/src/Node.cpp b/src/Node.cpp
index d001d85598f8a44e9b0e24dcb96ff17709e38cf5..485174b29a32d713300b461a8c8eeebe1f8ebd20 100644
--- a/src/Node.cpp
+++ b/src/Node.cpp
@@ -200,66 +200,62 @@ int Node::failureDetection(){
 					//2) if processing, reassign
 					//2a) if no extra nodes, assign to successor, else add new node to ring
 					//3) if a sender, reassign replica holders as new senders for each thing sent
-					if (workerRing->size() > 0){
-						vector<tuple<string,string,string>> aliveNodes;
-						for (auto &e : membershipList) aliveNodes.push_back(e.first);
-						vector<tuple<string,string,string>> mapleNodes;
+					if (workerRing->size() > 0 && workerRing->getValue(deletedNodePostion).compare("No node found")){
+						set<int> currentWorkers;
+						for (auto &w: workerRing->nodePositions) currentWorkers.insert(w);
 						int nextId;
-						size_t newSize = workerRing->nodePositions.size()-1;
-						if (newSize <= hashRing->nodePositions.size()){
+						string nextIp = "";
+						int newSize = workerRing->nodePositions.size()-1;
+						int available = hashRing->nodePositions.size()-1; //cant include master node
+						if (newSize >= available){
 							nextId = workerRing->getSuccessor(deletedNodePostion);
+							nextIp = workerRing->getValue(nextId);
 						} else {
-							while (1){
-								mapleNodes.clear();
-								mapleNodes = randItems(1, aliveNodes);
-								Member m(get<0>(mapleNodes[0]), get<1>(mapleNodes[0]));
-								nextId = hashingId(m, get<2>(mapleNodes[0]));
-								if (workerRing->getValue(nextId).compare("No node found") == 0) break;
+							for (auto &w : hashRing->nodePositions){
+								if (currentWorkers.count(w) == 0){
+									nextId = w;
+									nextIp = hashRing->getValue(nextId);
+									break;
+								}
-							Messages startMsg(PHASESTART, "filling in for failed worker");
-							tcpServent->sendMessage(get<0>(mapleNodes[0]), TCPPORT, startMsg.toString());
-							workerRing->addNode(get<0>(mapleNodes[0]), nextId);
-						string newNode = workerRing->getValue(nextId);
-						//if deleted from workerTasks its been fully processed and doesnt need to be re-scheduled
+						workerRing->addNode(nextIp, nextId);
+						Messages startMsg(PHASESTART, "filling in for failed worker");
+						tcpServent->sendMessage(nextIp, TCPPORT, startMsg.toString());
+						string workToDo = "", mapleS = "";
+						vector<string> messagesToSend;
 						auto vecCopy(workerProcessing[get<0>(keyTuple)]);
 						if (workerTasks.find(get<0>(keyTuple)) != workerTasks.end()){
-							string workToDo = "";
 							for (auto el : vecCopy) {
-								workToDo += get<0>(el);
-								workerProcessing[newNode].push_back(make_tuple(get<0>(el), get<1>(el)));
-								workerTasks[newNode].insert(make_tuple(get<0>(el), get<1>(el)));
-							}
-							struct dirent *entry = nullptr;
-						    DIR *dp = nullptr;
-							string match = "tmp-" + get<0>(keyTuple) + "-";
-						    int matchLen = match.size();
-						    if ((dp = opendir(".")) == nullptr) { cout << "tmp directory error " << endl;}
-						    while ((entry = readdir(dp))){
-						        if (strncmp(entry->d_name, match.c_str(), matchLen) == 0) { remove(entry->d_name); }
-							}
-							if (isJuicePhase){
-								Messages outMsg(JUICE, exe + "::" + sdfsOut + "::" + workToDo);
-								tcpServent->sendMessage(newNode, TCPPORT, outMsg.toString());
+								workerProcessing[nextIp].push_back(make_tuple(get<0>(el), get<1>(el)));
+								workerTasks[nextIp].insert(make_tuple(get<0>(el), get<1>(el)));
+								if (!isJuicePhase){
+									string sender = get<0>(mapleSending[make_tuple(get<0>(el), get<1>(el))]);
+									mapleS = sender + "::" + nextIp + "::" + exe + "::" + get<0>(el) + "::" + get<1>(el);
+									messagesToSend.push_back(mapleS);
+								}
+								else workToDo += get<0>(el);
+							if (isJuicePhase) messagesToSend.push_back("JUICE::" + exe + "::" + sdfsOut + "::" + workToDo);
-						//come back
-						for (auto &e : mapleSending[get<0>(keyTuple)]){
-							vector<int> temp = randItems(1, fileList[get<0>(e)]);
-							auto task = make_tuple(get<0>(e), get<1>(e));
-							mapleSending[hashRing->getValue(temp[0])].push_back(task);
+						for (auto &e : mapleSending){
+							if (get<0>(e.second).compare(get<0>(keyTuple))) continue;
+							if (get<1>(e.second) == 1) continue;
+							vector<int> temp = randItems(1, fileList[get<0>(e.first)]);
+							string tempIp = hashRing->getValue(temp[0]);
+							auto task = make_tuple(get<0>(e.first), get<1>(e.first));
+							mapleSending[e.first] = make_tuple(tempIp, 0);
 							string processor = "";
 							for (auto &worker : workerTasks){
 								if (worker.second.count(task) > 0) processor = worker.first;
-							//sender + "::" + processor + "::" + exe + "::" + s;
-							string mapleS = hashRing->getValue(temp[0]) + "::" + processor + "::" + exe + "::" + get<0>(e)+ "::" + get<1>(e);
-							tcpServent->mapleMessages.push(mapleS);
+							mapleS = tempIp + "::" + processor + "::" + exe + "::" + get<0>(e.first) + "::" + get<1>(e.first);
+							messagesToSend.push_back(mapleS);
+						for (auto mapleMsg : messagesToSend) tcpServent->mapleMessages.push(mapleMsg);
@@ -1036,7 +1032,6 @@ void Node::handleTcpMessage()
 				cout << "[MAPLE] Leader starting new Maple phase" << endl;
 				if (inMsg.size() < 4) break;
-				isJuicePhase = false;
 				string exe = inMsg[0], num_maples = inMsg[1], sdfs_dir = inMsg[3] + "-", s = "";
 				sdfsPre = inMsg[2] + "-";
 				int workers = stoi(num_maples), ringSize = hashRing->nodePositions.size();
@@ -1086,7 +1081,7 @@ void Node::handleTcpMessage()
 						workerProcessing[processor].push_back(make_tuple(file, to_string(start)));
 						workerTasks[processor].insert(make_tuple(file, to_string(start)));
 						//cout << "[MAPLE] assign file " << file << " at " << to_string(start) << " to " << processor << endl;
-						mapleSending[sender].push_back(make_tuple(file, to_string(start)));
+						mapleSending[make_tuple(file, to_string(start))] = make_tuple(sender, 0);
 						string maplemsg = sender + "::" + processor + "::" + exe + "::" + s;
 						//sender, processor, exec, file, start
@@ -1146,17 +1141,8 @@ void Node::handleTcpMessage()
 				//cout << "[CHUNKACK] leader confirming " << inMsg[4] << "::" << inMsg[2] << " was received" << endl;
-				vector<tuple<string,string>> temp;
-				for (auto &e : mapleSending[inMsg[0]]){
-					if (get<0>(e).compare(inMsg[4]) == 0){
-						if (get<1>(e).compare(inMsg[2]) == 0){
-							continue;
-						}
-					}
-					temp.push_back(e);
-				}
-				if (temp.size()) mapleSending[inMsg[0]] = temp;
-				else mapleSending.erase(inMsg[0]);
+				tuple<string, int> status = mapleSending[make_tuple(inMsg[4], inMsg[2])];
+				mapleSending[make_tuple(inMsg[4], inMsg[2])] = make_tuple(get<0>(status), 1);
diff --git a/src/TcpSocket.cpp b/src/TcpSocket.cpp
index 6ca3bee6fe4e6ccd90de8753687f7569dad3e57e..8edb955746f2791841b7d3d45d87cca9ba2d0938 100644
--- a/src/TcpSocket.cpp
+++ b/src/TcpSocket.cpp
@@ -125,7 +125,8 @@ void TcpSocket::mergeFiles(string ip, string port, string handler, string filede
 	if (!toSend.size()) return;
 	vector<string> toProcess = splitString(toSend, ",");
 	vector<string> toStart = splitString(starts, ",");
-	int dirSize = toProcess.size(), mode = stoi(handler);
+	int dirSize = toProcess.size();
+	int mode = stoi(handler);
 	string payload = handler + "," + filedest + "," + header + "," + toSend;
 	payload = to_string(payload.size()) + "," + payload;
 	//cout << "[PUT] payload: " << payload << ", range: " << starts << " sending to " << ip << endl;
diff --git a/src/Threads.cpp b/src/Threads.cpp
index 55a0f69ba0b343f051dd0c8e506e7eeb4ed26281..7d2a8dc5f8248cfb7b52fcc34f6fc089545ca24e 100644
--- a/src/Threads.cpp
+++ b/src/Threads.cpp
@@ -25,9 +25,16 @@ void *runTcpSender(void *tcpSocket)
 			vector<string> msgSplit = splitString(tcp->mapleMessages.front(), "::");
 			string removeSender = tcp->mapleMessages.front().substr(msgSplit[0].size() + 2);
 			//cout << "[TEST] " << removeSender << endl;
-			Messages msg(CHUNK, removeSender);
+			string msgString = "";
+			if (removeSender.compare("JUICE") == 0){
+				Messages msg(JUICE, removeSender);
+				msgString = msg.toString();
+			} else{
+				Messages msg(CHUNK, removeSender);
+				msgString = msg.toString();
+			}
 			//processor, exec, file, start, prefix
-			tcp->sendMessage(msgSplit[0], TCPPORT, msg.toString());
+			tcp->sendMessage(msgSplit[0], TCPPORT, msgString);
 		while (!tcp->pendSendMessages.empty()) {